"To behold the face of a god and live..."
Kelestri's Prayer Before Forge's Flame Undying, Remnant of the World's First Perfect Fire:I pray thee, Mother of Magic, that you will guide my hand as I partake of this flame. I reach inside to call forth Forge’s Flame Undying, the World’s First Perfect Fire, the beginning and the end of all things.
Now, I must pray elsewhere, to whom or what I know not. I pray that AO, master of Gods, will assign my prayer, my true desires, to the god or gods that must hear it to ensure I am preserved, not destroyed by the act of taking this flame, though I understand that fire is power. I know that fire brings transformation to all it touches. I accept any necessary transformation this fire brings.
Just as fire will surely come one day to obliterate the earth, I know that all things once began with fire. And so it goes from birth to death, from fire to fire, now and forever.
Fire transforms us, it hardens and strengthens as in a forge, through it’s skilled application. Fire purifies and brings forth iron from ore and forces steel from iron. Like fire I become stronger as my life burns itself out. Fire burns away that which is strangling the roots of forests and clears it for renewed growth.
With this understanding I shall not become strangled by ephemeral possessions in this life. Fire brings forth light in the darkness. My life shall be a candle that reveals new things to all around me.
Fire makes things of the wild flee in fear. My actions shall be brave and fear shall not overcome me. Fire purifies nature, making food safe to be eaten without worry. I welcome purification of my soul, that I need not worry for my life.
[By this point the written text had ended and Kelestri continued the prayer as though it were memorized or written upon her heart. She then concluded with the following:]I shall deny not my passions. Passion is the energy that brings forth personal power. Change is spread like flames across a field of grass. I shall be the spark that starts the fire. Flame purifies and makes way for the new. I shall cleanse that which has stagnated. Come forth! Eternal Flame! Come forth! Burn away that which is within me which would hold me from my goals. Harden me through fire, like wood may become like steel and clay like stone.
Mystic Fire is the passion of my Goddess - bringing forth change. Passion is fire. I am passion. I am fire.