Enchanted Item History #4
Corim's Golden Quiver of Magical Arrows was discovered at the bottom of Darkmantle Lake, located east of Iroth beneath the Giantspike arm of the Earthspur Mountains on 7 Mirtul, 1373. The quiver, plated in gold and possessing an anti-entropic protection, radiates magic along with six enchanted arrows contained within. Each arrow is unique having a different style and feather color as though these were a collection of arrows gathered from various lands and without relation to the quiver itself.
The quiver provides no boon to its owner, but will never fade, rust, or otherwise deteriorate unless it's protective magic is first dispelled. Upon examination, an enscription upon it reads:
Guildhall of the High Forest
"Leader Of The Hunt"
Year of the Morningstar
I. Arrow of Biting+1 (Red): Fort DC 16 else 1d10 Con/1d10 Con
II. Acidic Burst+1 (Green): 1d10+1 dmg
III. Everbright+2 (White): Flash brilliant light, all w/in 20 ft. of target Reflext DC16 else blinded 1d4 rnds.
IV. Quickloading+3 (Clear): Attack, then begin round
V. Screaming+4 (Yellow): Low hum, high pitch on impact, 1d6+4 sonic dmg, effective even in silence
VI. Vampiric+5 (black): Fort save DC 16 else add'l 1d10 dmg given to wielder, cannot exceed max wielder hp.
At least two arrows (red and black) have been destroyed in battle against worthy opponents, Tyrauroth and Saultair respectively.
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