Tyrauroth's Hoard
The battle upon the black lake is ended. The black wyrm sinks to the depths, the green light dimming from it's eyes. Leaf awakens to find his head resting gently upon Shaundakul's leather boots. The Company of Light and Darkness spys more treasure than they've ever seen! And it was well-earned.
40,000 cp
16,000 sp
7,800 gp
A 14 gems (7 bloodstone, 5 black pearls, 2 emeralds)
B 4 badly damaged canvass oil portraits
C Shaundakul's Boots
D Spice Jar
E Potion - Moondraught
F Harper Pin
G Books on Dwarven History & Archetecture
H 1 Dwarven War Hammer
I 6 Bloodmetal longswords
J 4 Bloodmetal shortswords
K 1 Dwarven Axe
L Potion - Levitation
M Potion - Cure light wounds
N Bola (two-ball)
O Smithing Hammer
P Queen's circlet
so if we go with a 0% conversion loss..whenever we get back to a main city... we just gained 9800 gp (thats a lot less wieght...and if we divide it up by 7 we all get 1400gp)... now how much the other stuff will fetch us i dont know... the only things that catch slyls eye are the harper pin and the shortswords...thought the boots look cool slyl doesnt think he wants to add anoughter "god" to his list.
Spoken like a true and noble hero of legendary recognition. Could we get out of the open before we start fighting over the loot? I would think that there are several people in line ahead of you who deserve the first choice. Pavel, for instance hasn’t seen any spoils for some time (not that he will fight for it).
...fight over loot...when did i say anything like that...i just said it caught my eye.... what is your problem mithinu...do you think i resort to violence all the time...you are acting a bit foolish
Hey, can we get that on a tunic or shield or something?
*laughs* Yeah, Corim, I am wondering if any of these will work for a tee-shirt, feel free to add more ideas...
1) The Company of Light And Darkness - Yup, we're a 24x7 team.
3) I Survived Tyrauroth
4) COLD - An equal opportunity employer. Talk to our mute, or see our blindman if you don't believe us!
5) The Company of Light and Darkness: We do more in 24 hrs than any other adventuring party ever does!
7) We've Got a Charter. Nyeah Nyeah Nyeah Nyeah Neyah!
8) ?
8. Fangs for the memories.
9. Adventuring: So easy a non-human can do it.
Perhaps I misunderstood your tone, but it came across like Daffy Duck shouting MINE, MINE, MINE!!
...i suddenly am reminded of one of the first episodes of Red Dwarf..where rimmer says we need a name first..and wips out this really cool name...but its anagram would be C.L.I.T.O.R.U.S. wish i could remember it
10.)CoLD.. more then meets the eye
The best shirt:
Mt. Grimmerfang what happens here stays here.
oops, I mean
Mt. Grimmerfang what happens here is almost never found.
Of course there is the possiblity that the only enscription ever made will be carvings upon a wall somewhere upon the outer walls around Kurthkeep. It might say:
Here are the names of the brave adventurers who died within Mt. Grimmerfang: Kelestri Umberton,
Slyl Garotte, Corim Colm, Evan Caulder, Mithinu Earwen, Pavel Nemetsk, and Krigerseln Leafspringer.
I am sure the party would disagree with this prediction though =) haha
I pray it will not be me who needs to inscribe the walls around Kuth Keep or my Journal.
How about:
I punched a dragon in the nose at Mt Grimmerfang and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
Pavel grins.
Haaaa Haaa *still laughing uproarously* LOL
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