Plot Recap (previous session)
The company left the passionhall after the urging of some including Pavel who had sensed extreme woe. Realizing a great loss of time, the party engaged in a full day of foot-travel through mountainous terrain for the full day. Tired from walking, the party set camp in the highlands that night and during the first watch, Leaf was Leaf-napped, taken by cart to the orc encampment. The party learned that the rhumors of gathering orc armies are indeed a reality! The encampment boasted at least two tribes led by the 400-year-old Orog King, Kuldermog. Corim's caused a large diversion and the company struck-true upon Kuldermog who had threatened and nearly taken Leaf's life in his defense. A blast of fire occurred and the party crossed the stream to safety, only to be approached later by a wounded and invisible Kuldermog who showed himself honestly and explained his unique past. Kelestri identified how Kuldermog's quest is aligned with the Company of Light and Darkness.
Now, we begin session 26 as the party explains their reasons for or against the king traveling with the party, then continue their quest to find Mt. Grimmerfang to stop the production of Human Bloodmetal.
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