Otha Campaign Session Detail 3.5 Rules Online
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Friday, October 06, 2006


She was stoned to death, a martyrs death, seconds after making her great confession. Death was calling her name as her body could take no more suffering. Kzntharris attacked her with his claws, mauling her clothes and skin with his horrible talons. His wings spread wide in darkness as he picked up her bleeding form and took to flight.

Swiftly flapping, her wounds dripping, his muscled arms clenched her tightly and rounded the corner. She prayed, "I renounce you Shar. I renounce you Shar now and forever. I return to the god of my childhood, ... help me." Then the deathbed chant ceased. The throng was there, ready, as they had promised. The black stalker had earlier explained to the faithful of Shar that their leader was a god slave to a deity not their own. Appalled, they swore to destroy her in a torturous manner that was befitting her sinful deed.

His people govern like animals in the wild where the strongest hold power over the weak. He now explained to them, "I came to judge your people as an ambassador of our race, perhaps to ally in power over all Faerûn! Now I see your leader is worthless."

Her perfect body lay beneath blood and torn cloth, beneath the sharp stones that had been cast. The small wall sconces flickered shadows about the room. The thrilling madness pervaded the room in the minds of the Dark Goddess' clergy. Kzntharris' speech was loud and strong, echoing through the chamber and hall. Stones cleaved blood gushing holes in her flesh until she breathed her last.

Kzntharris suddenly fell in posture, first to his knees and then to the floor, revealing the slim dark haired man wielding a sharp dagger. It's poisoned tip was too much for the stalker. The Drow venom was a knock-out mix of most wicked and vile components. Slyl smiled.

The Company of Light and Darkness advanced into the room. The charge was led by Evan and Pavel, each of them guided by a divine thrust forward. They stepped upon the trail leading to Sharisa and stood for just a second adjusting to what they saw. The unexpected had occurred. Now, the unexpected would occur again! Pavel put forth the Staff of Dionysus and the scent of poppies burst forth, the room was saturated with it's sweetness. The very hands of Ilmater openned up to touch his daughter, the converted Sharisa, who had returned to the god of her childhood.

"Rise again anew, servant of the Broken One," Pavel said flatly, knowingly.

And she did.


Blogger Pavel the Monk said...

An excellent telling!

It is exactly as I remember it. (Are you sure that you were not sired by a talented bard?) Your talent as a storyteller is unmatched. I will remember this scene as if it were the last thing I will ever see.

(Perhaps it is...)

Pavel savors the moment.

4:57 PM, October 09, 2006  

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