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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bromar Goldenforge

Kelestri, the young woman from Calimshan, seems herself to have been born from a fiery hearth. She possesses more raw energy and talent for smithing than I ever had in my youth. She's broken every cultural norm and has exceeded every expectation I had during our task of refitting the Plate Armor of the Triad Gods. Gond be praised—to have sent me a worker so knowledgeable and able as to teach me more than I knew.

I have spoken with my wife, Doria, about the prospect of traveling for a while. She's the most understanding woman I know.

I always knew there was something special about the ancient forge that is my home, but have never seen a perfect fire before, like the one that we created yesterday, 1 Mirtul, 1373. It might be good to leave Respite Run for a time to seek out new skills for myself and perhaps yet gleen more wisdom from that strong and talented young woman.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Corim's Thoughts

Who does she think she is!
"I think this is to dangerous for you to know." "One person in danger is enough"
Kelestri is NOT my mother! I don't even know who my mother is, but it sure isn't her!
Damn! That really makes me mad. I was going to ask her if she could show me some warrior moves, but now I think I'll ask Animosus.
I can't believe the way he was taking out those walking skeletons. I couldn't even get a good shot at the one trying to kill me. He must have destroyed five or six.
Who knew he was killing machine!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Corim's Thoughts

I need to get more cheese. That stupid barbarian just left it on the floor. What a waste. I need to show Animosus how I caused that darkness. He'll probably want a stone, too. That's fine, I have lots.

Corim's Thoughts

When I was six years old, I grew fangs, like a wolf. At first I thought nothing of it, I was six. My first teeth fell out and grew in like everyone else. Then something changed. My eye teeth did not come in normally, they were longer and pointed. I would smile and people would turn their eyes aside. They weren't cruel, but I felt isolated just the same. The Colms acted like there was nothing wrong for years. So I asked them why I had sharp pointy teeth and no one else did. They had no answer for me. It was then that I started to suspect that they might not be my parents. Why can't they see that I would have still been there if they had only told me the truth.

The Last Request of Unther Ravenhelm

Dearest Marina and Alyona,

As you read this, know that I have been lifted up from this realm to a better place. There are no words to express the eternal joy you have given me, and the peace of spirit that travels with me.

I leave to you both all that I possessed in life, and take with me the bond of our family and the love and moments we shared.

You will find on my desk a collection of books to be burned. Bromar knows what to do. I ask that the Three Torches Inn and its services be opened freely to all on the day I am to be interned. I ask that you honor my life's work of adventuring by hiring new adventurers to protect thee on this day, for my years of smiting the wicked are now abruptly ended so short of completion. I am so sorry to leave you this way.

My secrets I will keep. Know my love never ends.
Yours forever, Unther

Friday, March 24, 2006

Slyls thoughts

well..guess noone has noticed anything....good thing i make sure noone notices..hehe...kinda hard in the middle of the day though...oh well

wonder what my parents are doing...or if they are still alive...havent seen them in 12 years..one day just woke up and couldnt see anything....and then was told i was given a new and better life....been having fun since....cept last year.....that..wasnt much fun...it hurts just to think about speaking...good thing i dont even think about it anymore..hehe.... i wonder if the people ive met today can understand what ive gone through..... wonder if they can understand that i have chosen this...oh well...

again i dream of blood...i cant help it.. thats all i saw for 5 months...blood..my own blood...and i have the scars to prove it too... im over that though...damn dreams....guess i should start watch...hehe..think ill mess with leaf

inside slyl's mind

....ive been walking for a while.....wish i could of gotten a cart..or something..
back to the vast...doesnt feel like home....to much open space for me....

hey...some people up ahead....oh well..i need to join up with a good party anyway..mite as well make friends now......damn it..bugbears...better to ambush them...well..thats not going to happen....wait a minute......

well seems ive made some companions....Corim Leaf and this cleric...i dont really trust this cleric...i think he mite not like me...oh well....and corim called me a retard..i should show him how stupid i really am...grrr...

well i find out my backer here is DEAD.....thats a first for the guild to send me to someone thats dead.....normaly im the one they send to get someone.....ALIVE..oh well..seems ill gain myself some money here.... the palladin seems nice....not to sure how he'll percieve me though...and that metalworking chick is MOUTHY...i swear...thank god ive done nothing to point her wrath at me.....darn Guild man wanted to talk to me....he thinks this is all a farse..i wish he went through what ive gone through...oh well...still not to trusting..even though they said all the guild work together....ive seen to much lately

DAMN IT...i forgot to check the DAMN belltower...how STUPID can i be...oh well...guess i have to go get that asshat.........hes standing on the darn trap door..... damn ladder..cant get a good foothold..... ahh thanks corim... EAT THIS..... ok now we know will be able to see why this guy was trying to assassinate the nice lady.... he seems to have some poisons on him.....i think i might check them out...oh well...hope everything goes smoother from now on

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Corim's Thoughts

"All I want is a place somewhere, far away from the cold night air"... I don't know why that song popped into my thoughts right now, but it makes me think of my paren....I mean Calec and Ara. They really are good people. I wish they wouldn't have insisted that they were my "real" parents. Normal people don't have freaks for children. "Oh, what cute fangs your boy has! And those scales are such a lovely shade of bruise." No one says things like that in normal places. That's what orcs and demons say. Maybe that's what I am, a half-orc or a demonling. If I sprout horns or a tail that would make sense. I really hope that is not the case. Maybe I'm cursed..................... Sometimes I really do miss Ara and Calec. I suppose my leaving was for the best. Life just isn't fair.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Corim's Thoughts

I think that Leaf must have seen my fangs when I laughed yesterday.
He hasn't said anything though. Maybe since he has pointy ears, he thinks that it's okay that I have pointy teeth.
That Leaf is alright.
Slyl is okay,too. I wonder why he can't speak. Is he mute? Or does he choose not to speak. I hope he didn't get offended about that retard joke. He seems like he has a handle on things.
Still, he is a little bit weird.
Yea, like I'm not.
I guess I'll see where this goes. It's better than scrounging around Altru.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Corim's Thoughts

These have been a strange few days. My tutor in the stealthy arts, Erling, had contacted me through the bartender, Liam. It had been several months since I had seen the old man, so I met with him. He told me that he had a job that I might be interested in, just a little observation, good money. His old friend had died and the widow was looking for some security for the funeral. I told Erling that I thought I could fit it into my schedule, he laughed at that. Two days later we were riding in a coach, I don't know where he got it from, and we came across three fellows being chased by what Erling said were Bugbears(They looked like big hairy goblins to me). He stopped the coach and I helped them out with a few well placed arrows. Erling offered the three a ride to a village called Respite Run, the place to which we were also headed. Their names were Leafspringer, Eragon, and Slyl. When we got into town we met the rest of the security team. There was a paladin from the local temple of Tyr and some blacksmith wench, their names, Animosus and Kelestri. We then went to the Three Torches Inn to meet with the widow, Marina. She gave us lunch and told us what she needed from us and how much she was willing to pay(320 gold pieces!!!).Some teamster that was delivering stuff for the funeral tried to shake the old lady down, but I managed to "persuade" him to stick to the original deal. He wasn't happy, but he left quietly. Next, a rowdy bunch of "adventurers" came in demanding food, the old lady told them no food til later and the big savage in the group got a little cranky. I tossed a chunk of cheese his way, hit him in the face, and he got all riled up. I had no choice, I cloaked him in darkness. They ran out of the inn pretty damn quick. A bit later, some creepy guys in a black coach stopped at the inn to inquire about "the corpse". The paladin told them he was laid out at the temple of Tyr. An hour or so later I went to check out the layout of the processional route and found myself at the temple. I decided to take a look around, given the fact that someone who didn't seem on the up and up had been sent this way earlier. When I went inside I found two dogs someone(the creepy guys?)had killed, so I figured something just wasn't right. I went in further, keeping very quiet, and found a temple guard dead, with his hand cut off. They had also beat up on the dead guy, I think they broke his jaw. I ran down to the forge where everyone else was and told them what I had found. We all ran back there and found the priests locked in a back room, all tied up. They had been amushed and beaten up. They were all alive though. We went back to the inn, got some food and set a watch for the night. The next day, at the funeral, there was a disturbance. Some little weasel was hiding in the bell tower shooting arrows at the widow. Slyl went running into the temple as if he had seen something , so I followed him. Good thing, too, it took both of us to subdue the bastard. He got me good with a lucky arrow shot, but I managed to knock him out and we brought him downstairs. The widow was OK, thanks to the priest. I am really earning that 320 gold.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Kelestri's Journal

First day, Mirtul.
While Altrú has its charm business both personal and financial call me to a hutcluster called Respite Run. Though I missed the festivity of Greengrass, it has made for travel light and quick. I am to meet a mastercraftsman, Bromar Goldenforge, a dwarf with a reputation for being hammerside of several unique items of exceptional quality. He apparently has heard of my skills and my needs, and has requested visit. -
What a lunatic. I think I've perchanced upon the most foolhardy but brillaintly skilled dwarf in a hundred miles. I suspect Bromar has a thirst for experiences that his body may not always afford, may Gond guide hime when his wisdom does not.
Something is very different about my handcrafted blade, it seems unharmed yet it does not cool as steel should. -
The funeral for Unther Ravenhelm is set for morrow. Presiding Lawmaster Ulithana from the House of Tyr's Hand expects a strong possiblility of disturbance. Widow Marina is quite willing to part with fair expense to keep things respectful. Bromar and I are refitting some brilliantly crafted armor to one Animosus Constans, seemingly a favored horse cadet of Ulithana. The quality of this armor is superior to any I've seen in the smaller towns and possibly comparable to some I've ever heard stories. -
Widow Marina may be aware of things most overlook, maybe just a lucky guess. This will be the easiest 320 made in a single day or enough sum to cover cost for a funeral wagon home. -
The aging child from the loins of Marina, Alyona, harbors secrets and desires similar to ones I've once had myself. Those razor sharp blues eyes, so sweet, I wonder if there really is an adventerous heart that shares the same body.-

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Story Begins

"The great Balance has shifted, dark seeds have been planted and taken root. Will you have the skill and desire to prevent these black seeds from thriving? Is there prayer enough to wish that one day you will hold your title with honor as Sons of The Vast…"
-Ao, Master of Gods, Myrtul 2, 1373 -

Prologue: Well met, brave adventurer. The peaceful life you’ve come to know in The Vast will soon be over. The heroic adventurers of your father’s generation, and their epic deeds are now fading with the passage of time. Just as today’s final dimming rays of twilight flicker upon the Giantspike Mountains, so does their Age of Greatness of power and influence now end. In recent decades The Vast has been a peaceful place due to the many sacrifices they’d made on many a great adventure. Now, as your own adventurous story begins, will you live up to their ideals – or permit your homeland to become perverted by minions of darkness who have silently waited, secretly plotted in shadows for years, to now execute their devious plans?

Some things are already changing. Some peaceable people of your land, who once looked upon adventurers as righteousness anchors and sentinels of society, now consider your generation inept, possessing no respect for the deeds of heroes of the past. Some now observe adventurers to be irresponsible grave-robbers or simple gamblers with the life given them by the Ao, master of all Gods, and not serving noble purposes as their fathers had before them. While we slept, unknown to most, the verdant fields and prospering towns of the Vast were claimed from below. The great Balance has shifted, dark seeds have been planted and taken root.

Will you have the skill and desire to prevent these black seeds from thriving? Is there prayer enough to wish that one day you will hold your title with honor as Sons of The Vast…