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Monday, June 25, 2007

Victor's Letter

[103 hours ago, an hour past midnight on 13 Kythorn, when the company defeated the cloaker guardians inside the temple of Bane in kurth, the monk of the Yellow Rose found that his regained eyesight was barely good enough to read the secret script upon the black parchment he had found. With the aide of Leif's magic, the hidden message was revealed. It read as follows:]

My dearest Claudia, I raised you well. If you have disclosed this information to someone you trust, it means either our plans have failed or I have not returned. Here is more information if it will aide our cause:

First, Teegan sold Unther a "slow-death" poison.

Next, Unther called upon me to aid him, ensuring that when he was most weak—a priest of Kelemvor would be at his side, raising no suspicions, as having a Priest of Kelemvor with him during his final days would go absolutely unquestioned. This was critical, because I needed to replace Unther's poisoned body with a corpse, polymorphed by the Baneites, for the purpose of Calling Hours ceremony.

Previous to this, the prisonstone itself was sought for by Baneites loyal to and led by Blackalter, high cleric of Bane's church in Kurth. Blackalter supports Darkoon, but feels Darkoon is taking unlawful actions in the conduct of the church of Bane. To this end, it was he and other sinister clerics, including one named Saultair, who researched and uncovered the prisonstone from beneath Citadel Sunderhame. I am told this stone contained a creature named Kuldermog. He and 12 orogs were brought up from the underdark at the behest of Darkoon to, "Find a leader for these disgusting orcs." I have learned that Darkoon said, "There must appear to be a presence of leadership among them—find a king perhaps, that could do our bidding in the days to come." As far as I know, Blackalter has not yet surprised Darkoon with the prisonstone gift. So, as of now, the High Imperceptor knows not of the stone, nor it's current occupant... one Unther Ravenhelm. I believe they will travel in the days to come to deliver this in person.

I am sorry to say that Unther could not trust his friends this time. Unther said he spoke with Teegan, and he suspected that Erling has given away precioius secrets about Grimmerfang. his dear friend Zinaida and the others could not be reached in time. Although I begged him to, Unther refused to tell his wife Marina and his daughter, Alyona—but, he did manage to make a few preparations.

He instructed Bromar to burn his journals except for a single page which Bromar has set aside in his home. Unther has instructed Bromar to deliver it to an adventuring party that he had never met, because he could not even trust his friends. Unther's last request which I placed on his writing desk, was to invite new adventurers to protect his family during calling hours—sad, but with Erling compromised, Unther felt he could trust strangers better than he could his own friends, the members of the Company of the Talking Shield. He said, "Someone needed to know at least as much as Erling had already spilled out to Teegan."

Finally, there was one more plan, but the success or failure of this one is truly unknown: with the Zhentarim already benefiting from the attacks upon Kurth, Unther knew they were allied with the Baneites. He contacted Azhurdeen... Unther has taken a wild chance that an offer to double-cross the Baneites might appeal to Azhurdeen.

Good luck my dearest Claudia,
Your Loving Father

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Essay: The Secret Lives of Dice

In the movies, Toy Story and Night at the Museum small things come to life at night and have a mind and will of their own.

Over time, I've noticed a force that is all its own, one that is like a neutral force of nature that knows no enemies and keeps no allies for long.

You may remember a few of these moments when the dice have "gotten away from me":
  • Battle against the Hill Giant while Enroute to Falconwell - Slyl is slammed into the earth on a crit, his ring of 9 lives activates to restore both his physical and mental health
  • Battle Beneath the Selunar Eclipse - d20 critical roll against Animosus and he falls from the Black Gauntlet Knight's strike
  • Battle Against the Mur Zhagul - Slyl loses initiative and his life on a crit by the creatures attacks
  • Battle in the Quickearth - At the end of round 2 I announced to Animosus that the standard action of lay hands will occur on his initiative count in round 3. During round 3 (before Animosus acts) in front of everyone a d8 is rolled twice to select the target of the Mud Golem's attacks in round 3 based on the creatures reach of 10". Aloud I choose to vocalize the targets are based on, and in order of their counters on the battle-mat (1-2 Ani, 3-4 Mauros, 5-6 Pavel, 7-8 Nemeseth). I actually vocalized this distribution because I didn't want Animosus to get struck before he healed himself.

And the dice once again had their way. I rolled a 1, then a 2. Both strikes hit Animosus squarely and he falls.

As Kelestri's player says, "D&D without dice is just theater. D&D without roleplay is just a video game."

So Animosus' player says something like, "Thanks DM for once again helping my character to fumble in combat." And you know... his comment is well deserved. Did you see a pattern in the bulleted list above? The neutral force of the dice (and rather consistently) have taken down Slyl and Animosus more than any other character.

And over time by Kelestri's player's definition, we have done more D&D than theater. And over time I have learned not to appologize for the dice — a force many campaigns have come to respect. ... When we sleep at night, do they wisper to each other, "Behold! I am dice! Slayer of characters! Destroyer of campaigns!" Or tonight, when we're fast asleep, do they rest too - satiated for a time like a beast who had recently consumed its fill by nearly swallowing another character?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The reasons that i searched for the CoLD

after ending my post at the wall i investigated some rumors about an adventuring band known as "The Company of Light and Darkness" or CoLD for short. I confirmed the rumors that they where a heavy influence in the saving of Kurth from the hands of Banites. I have recently purchased a book written by a K. Liefspringer(if i spelled Liefs name incorrectly it is meant to be spelled correctly) called "The Slaughter at Kurth Keep". It was a most interesting tale and painted both Lief and Animoses as very strong people. People that strike at evil in the most devastating ways they are able to enact.. here is one of my favorite paragraphs

(second note..if anyone's name other then Liefs is spelled wrong..its because that's how it was spelled in the book)

"I launched my fifth fireball into the banites burning many of them to ash. While Animoses stormed into a different pack of banites and separated their heads from there bodies. Suddenly Slyl guts two banites that where trying to sneak up on the group and dispatches them with ease. I watched Hailembriar rend banites as if they where small children. I saw as Kalestri tore and scorched her enemies. I watched as we all slaughtered the banites, and i sang of their demise."

well that was not exactly the excerpt..but its how i remember it...it was a lot more detailed and even more enjoyable.

After reading the very good book i went in search of CoLD and found that they where last seen headed to maskyr's eye... i have reached Maskyr and am now ribbing this wizard till he tells me the truth..i know he knows the CoLD...i just know it

(this was written before entering the flooded forest by teleportation...a little after his first encounter with the one wizard that is a specialist in teleportation..im bad with names)

Monday, June 11, 2007


This is a song that the slaves of Thay sing when their masters aren't listening-Mauros

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Recent Chronology - 17 Kythorn (evening)

Here is some recent chronology from 17 Kythorn (evening):

Slyl Is Dead - Should He Stay That Way?

The company was divided. Pavel's speed was no match for Leaf and Mauros who double-backed to reunite with Sorgen, Claudia, Animosus and Mauros.

Slyl was running alone through the quickswamp, nearly planting himself permanently in some dangerous areas. He appeared to the others with blood on himself, and without Kelestri. A quick read of his expression gave notice of fear - for a demontroll had already drawn blood from him, and was hungry for more.

The company retreated in the direction where Kelestri thought she was alone. She set her sword into the ground, and heard a voice beconing her to, "remove the rest" of her armor and clothing. A barenaked Kelestri walked to a mossy glen whereupon she was received warmly by a beautiful, stunningly nude woman. Kelestri accepted her gift, only part of which were passionate, life-altering caresses.
As soon as the party reached Kelestri, now in solitude and wearing full armor, Slyl scouted the area and was beset upon by a demontroll. The Mur Zhagul reached into him, and rended his body apart, whereupon Slyl fell dead. Mauros and some others destroyed the beast, and Claudia began to cast a difficult spell of the divine art, praying to Kelemvor to return Slyl to the group.

Kelestri stalled magnificently with words, attempting to confound Animosus long enough for Claudia to complete the spell. Near the end of the spell, Animosus shouted, "this will buy us some time to discuss whether Slyl should be brought back," and disrupted Claudia's painful spell with a shove. Helping her to her feet, Animosus could not help but notice the distain some party members had for this disruption. He explained to them his perspective, and the trouble Slyl has been to them, in a way that was righteous of a paladin.

A heated debate ensued as to whether Slyl should be raised from the dead? Can he be trused? Did this happen for a reason? Didn't Slyl promise to never to raise a sword against a party member again? Could the party succeed without Slyl, that is, by his actions did Animosus just endanger the entire company? Animosus thought about this, wondering if a recent prayer to the Triad asking for resolution regarding Slyl had actually manifested in his demise? Animosus, haunted by these and other burdensome questions, resigned to waiting for Pavel's input as soon as he can be located. Slyl's body was wrapped and provided a gentle repose until the decision could be made.

Leaf inspected the sword Kelestri called Firebrand. It was too hot to the touch for him to hold, but unbeknownst to Kelestri, Leaf gleaned a number of its properties though bardic knowledge and his ability to use magical devices.

A few paces from the place of Slyl's passing lay a recent encampment area wherein grave matters were revealed. Animosus, stumbling upon a small altar to Myrkul realized that followers of the dead god still walk Toril. He guessed that perhaps the High Imperceptor had never been a Baneite after all?
... when she could be sure the triadic knight was fast asleep, she crept over to Mauros who watched over the body of Garrotte, protecting it from the unhallowed magic he suspected would soon come for the body. With two glances - one at Slyl's corpse and one at Mauros, she hoped to convey her intentions. The midnight hour was close at hand, and her prayers tonight would ask Kelemvor for her most powerful divine spell again. The spell that makes her cry - the one that brings a soul back from the Final Road.
* * *
Our story continues during second watch. Everyone is needed June 11th - see you all on Monday for the exciting conclusion to Module VI: Rising Doom

Friday, June 01, 2007

On The Campaign Trail

Double-click the image to enlarge.