Otha Campaign Session Detail 3.5 Rules Online
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tyrauroth's Hoard

The battle upon the black lake is ended. The black wyrm sinks to the depths, the green light dimming from it's eyes. Leaf awakens to find his head resting gently upon Shaundakul's leather boots. The Company of Light and Darkness spys more treasure than they've ever seen! And it was well-earned.

40,000 cp
16,000 sp
7,800 gp
A 14 gems (7 bloodstone, 5 black pearls, 2 emeralds)
B 4 badly damaged canvass oil portraits
C Shaundakul's Boots
D Spice Jar
E Potion - Moondraught
F Harper Pin
G Books on Dwarven History & Archetecture
H 1 Dwarven War Hammer
I 6 Bloodmetal longswords
J 4 Bloodmetal shortswords
K 1 Dwarven Axe
L Potion - Levitation
M Potion - Cure light wounds
N Bola (two-ball)
O Smithing Hammer
P Queen's circlet

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mystic Journey (summary)

Campaign Map (updated)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Death's Herald

How sad to see the young boy turn,
His face of innocence looked longingly,
Turned he to mortal company,
Away from my inviting stare.

What dare his foolish friends take from here?
These tomes preserved for master's sight,
This place entreated without invite,
Disturbed the stillness of my home.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Session 26

Wow. I thought about this session all night and into the morning! Many will remember:
  • Kelestri's verbal recognition of the orog king's honor and her diplomatic tempting of Mehginty
  • Slyl's emphatic sharing of the journal clues and demonstration of self-control
  • Corim standing-down the arrow shot against orog King Kuldermog
  • Evan's reasoned plea against the orog or his dispelling of the cloud-kill
  • Mithinu's poetic vote against the orog and rope-trick solution and spell-wrangling
  • Pavel's self-mutilation/sacrifice and the spinning of his staff to an inch of another's ear
  • Leaf's forgiveness of the orog king and his amazement at the blind monk's apparent madness

And those were just a few cool things. Worth saying—I enjoyed the fantastic role-playing done by all in session 26.

Session Summary
The party expressed careful and cautious consideration of the orog king's alliance with the party. Cases for or against were expressed by all. Having aspirations to gain information and aid from the orog king, the company considered compromise for an alliance with this questionable but formidable foe. Some were vehemently opposed to the orog king, not trusting the appearance of change within him. Some believed in his word and his honor. A decision was made to keep Kuldermog as a prisoner. This, the orog king could not abide. The king retreated saying, "perhaps we will meet again on more favorable terms."

Arrving at the base of Mt. Grimmerfang, a shimmer clued the party to powerful magic warding the mountain. Further approach resulted in teleportation to a sinister necropolis.

After dispatching Wights and tempting Mehginty with Kelestri's plums (*grin*), the party gained entrance into the plateau's castle. The lady of the manor was not pleased and showed her feelings with powerful spellcraft. Slyl managed to steal several tomes from the ballroom, and the party spent the rest of the day traveling and calibrating information. Knowing Shaundakul's Chair is a reality, Mithinu boosted Kelestri up to 1400 ft. in gaseous form to get a lay of the land. The party now knows where they must go. ... Ride the wind, my friends.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Plot Recap (previous session)

The Passionhall (Temple of Sharess) provided pleasure of wine, women and bathing to some, but as they say: Time will fly when you're having fun! Slyl completed his arcane study, Kelestri-Corim-Leaf frolicked, Mithinu bathed and gathered exotic fruits, and the holy men (Evan and Pavel) were reserved.

The company left the passionhall after the urging of some including Pavel who had sensed extreme woe. Realizing a great loss of time, the party engaged in a full day of foot-travel through mountainous terrain for the full day. Tired from walking, the party set camp in the highlands that night and during the first watch, Leaf was Leaf-napped, taken by cart to the orc encampment. The party learned that the rhumors of gathering orc armies are indeed a reality! The encampment boasted at least two tribes led by the 400-year-old Orog King, Kuldermog. Corim's caused a large diversion and the company struck-true upon Kuldermog who had threatened and nearly taken Leaf's life in his defense. A blast of fire occurred and the party crossed the stream to safety, only to be approached later by a wounded and invisible Kuldermog who showed himself honestly and explained his unique past. Kelestri identified how Kuldermog's quest is aligned with the Company of Light and Darkness.

Now, we begin session 26 as the party explains their reasons for or against the king traveling with the party, then continue their quest to find Mt. Grimmerfang to stop the production of Human Bloodmetal.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Session 26: Nov. 6, 2006

Hi everyone, see you on Monday! Someone suggested we might be able to start at 5:30pm and play to 10pm.

Can everyone start at 5:30?

Pictured Above: Citadel Sunderhame

The great seal was broken, the circular arcane runes crumbling into fragments of stone and debris. Dredbrother Saµltair spoke aloud in the vaulted hall, looking back at the rubble, "Who says we don't have a sense of history? Our Lord Bane commands we remember how the realm was forged by his compassion and might. And here, we find child's play—arcane wards that beg to be wiped away, as the memory of Dwarven Magic has been cleared from local memory."

The other wizards, now drained of power, fatigued from their mighty display of magical negation, just glared at the Dredbrother, too tired to speak.

Saµltair stepped forward into the Dwarven Citadel of Sunderhame, marking footsteps where none had been made in over four hundred years. He touched the masterworked stone, noticed the persevearing strength of the ancient vaulted ceiling. Silently, he considered the craftsmanship lacking in all Houses of the Black Lord he had ever been in. As if to become saddened by beauty, as though the sight of dwarven art had somehow reached his heart, he sighed... then quickly regained composure to say, "Follow me. Our work is just begun. The prisonstone lies deep beneath us."

But the others just leaned against the wall, some panting, some breathing laboriously. "Okay, rest then. All of you rest if you must. I will wait."

And Saµltair turned quickly back to view again the reliefs and the statuettes. His eyes moved franticly around as he was, in secrecy, afforded the time he desired to marvel at what must have been the glory of the dwarven kingdom so many aeons ago...