Knowledge Check - Local
The Flooded Forest
This fetid swamp surrounded by boggy woodland lies between the river Lis and the Earthspur Mountains. Once an arm of Cormanthor, the area has sunk into a low bowl over the course of the past hundred years or so. The trees of the forest still stand, but have been dead for more than a century. Many are ready to fall at the slightest touch. Explorers face as much danger from falling trees as from wandering monsters. Hanging mosses and mushrooms are everywhere.
Denizens of the swamp are rumored to include lizardfolk, black dragons, a number of fungus creatures and carnivorous plants. Some of these creatures are not native to the area, giving rise to claims that someone or something is stocking the swamp to keep others away.
In the Age of Glorious Fools, adventurers who survived expeditions into the swamp claimed that the depths of the swamp hold the hidden lairs of brigands and pirates. Rumor has it that the swamp also hides the ruined temples of Gruumsh, Moander, and Bane.
Recent chronology: 17 Kythorn - The party traverses southwest through chest-deep stagnant waters, amidst creaking trees and hanging mosses. Pavel and Animosus are the first to encounter the swamp strider swarm in the brackish water. Kelestri brought down a ancient tree, taking careful aim at the Banelar Naga threat. Amidst the battle, Leif and Pavel literally save Slyl's life from paralyses and drowning. Mauros the Free offered his life for the preservation of the company and its cause by singularly confronting the huge monster in a fight to the death. Slyl, still coughing muck-water from his lungs attacked Pavel, knocking him unconscious - following through on a promise made to Nemetsk, on 13 Kythorn. Led by Animosus, the company, now suspicious of Slyl, asked questions of him within a zone of truth created by Claudia. Continuing even further into the Flooded Forest, Animosus loses track of time - and Slyl & Kelestri fall behind, chasing the coin purse thrown my Constans "as an offering" to the local inhabitants. Kelestri, now separated from the party faces an unfamiliar voice - alone in the malevolent swamp.