Recent Campaign Chronology

For your journals, here is some recent campaign chronology:
- Kythorn 13 - the celebration of the "Day of Heroes", the eclipse, shock-tremors hit Kurth, Claudia saved from being buried alive, battle in graveyard - Animosus slayn by Gauntlet Knight Commander/Raised by Pavel, Blackaltar defects from Baneite church, "portal-like" device found beneath black disk, Pavel assists Borok the wize in research
- Kythorn 14 - Assistance given to The Arm of King's Reach, Encounter with Orog general, 1/2 orc spy, and bezerking orcs during travel to Maskyr's eye, late arrival at Maskyrian University & meet the 5 wizards, Alyona poisoned and suffering (comforted by Pavel's soup), Azhurdean's visage appears and advises of witch elixir as remedy, Animosus receives a how-to book on familiars from Amouli, the history of the CTS's encounter with Nethad is learned, the daughters of Orlsyr party with the CoLD at the Wizard's Hand, partaking of Ambrosia (extra-planar intoxicant) causes the evening to joyously fade to black
- Kythorn 15 - Travel through the Maskyrwood, arrival in Valewood, learn the Clarion Bell has called all men / vassels to aid Baron Grember, The Besiegement of Gremberkeep by lizardfolk, overnight stay at the keep
- Kythorn 16 - Return of Sheshek & release of prisoners, following the shaman into the Flooded Forest, arrival at old fort/former lizard town, battle with War Troll, Cloaks of Mulmaster are interrogated, Brunlock reveals unnerving plans, travel to second lizardfolk town, meet Sorgen the archeologist, rest in a lizardfold bourough, the Deathcolis comes looking for food and is destroyed.
- Kythorn 17 - Animosus & Claudia heal Pavel in early morning, on watch Mauros spots a Serpentflesh Construct in the fog, Animosus raises alert and the party attacks it, with the aid of Pavel & Leaf - Kelestri hastily dons armor and charges at the creature, the party kills the construct, finds some treasure, and travels deeper into the flooded forest.
The game continues next week mid-day on Kythorn 17, 1373 D.R. deep within the fetid swampwaters amidst the creeking trees. The party finds themselves closer to the rising doom they seek...
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