These have been a strange few days. My tutor in the stealthy arts, Erling, had contacted me through the bartender, Liam. It had been several months since I had seen the old man, so I met with him. He told me that he had a job that I might be interested in, just a little observation, good money. His old friend had died and the widow was looking for some security for the funeral. I told Erling that I thought I could fit it into my schedule, he laughed at that. Two days later we were riding in a coach, I don't know where he got it from, and we came across three fellows being chased by what Erling said were Bugbears(They looked like big hairy goblins to me). He stopped the coach and I helped them out with a few well placed arrows. Erling offered the three a ride to a village called Respite Run, the place to which we were also headed. Their names were Leafspringer, Eragon, and Slyl. When we got into town we met the rest of the security team. There was a paladin from the local temple of Tyr and some blacksmith wench, their names, Animosus and Kelestri. We then went to the Three Torches Inn to meet with the widow, Marina. She gave us lunch and told us what she needed from us and how much she was willing to pay(320 gold pieces!!!).Some teamster that was delivering stuff for the funeral tried to shake the old lady down, but I managed to "persuade" him to stick to the original deal. He wasn't happy, but he left quietly. Next, a rowdy bunch of "adventurers" came in demanding food, the old lady told them no food til later and the big savage in the group got a little cranky. I tossed a chunk of cheese his way, hit him in the face, and he got all riled up. I had no choice, I cloaked him in darkness. They ran out of the inn pretty damn quick. A bit later, some creepy guys in a black coach stopped at the inn to inquire about "the corpse". The paladin told them he was laid out at the temple of Tyr. An hour or so later I went to check out the layout of the processional route and found myself at the temple. I decided to take a look around, given the fact that someone who didn't seem on the up and up had been sent this way earlier. When I went inside I found two dogs someone(the creepy guys?)had killed, so I figured something just wasn't right. I went in further, keeping very quiet, and found a temple guard dead, with his hand cut off. They had also beat up on the dead guy, I think they broke his jaw. I ran down to the forge where everyone else was and told them what I had found. We all ran back there and found the priests locked in a back room, all tied up. They had been amushed and beaten up. They were all alive though. We went back to the inn, got some food and set a watch for the night. The next day, at the funeral, there was a disturbance. Some little weasel was hiding in the bell tower shooting arrows at the widow. Slyl went running into the temple as if he had seen something , so I followed him. Good thing, too, it took both of us to subdue the bastard. He got me good with a lucky arrow shot, but I managed to knock him out and we brought him downstairs. The widow was OK, thanks to the priest. I am really earning that 320 gold.