The Old Wize Wizard's Words
Amouli said, "20 Winters ago, Nethad D’Hathek came of age – about 20 years old within a cult of the dragon. The cult was aware of the child’s condition and kept him hidden for years until he learned his own identity and slew each member of the cult with rage.
The Adventuring party, The Company of the Talking Shield was called to protect a nearby town when it came across the secret entrance to the cult’s lair. There, the company used the Heart of Mystra (currently in their possession) to surpress it’s evil powers long enough to strike true. The company included Unther, his wizard friend, a cleric, a rogue, a bard, and a young priestess.
At that time, an adventurer by the name of Szchulan the Dark had led the company to the cult’s secret entrance, having been an ally of the cult and had benefited from their attacks on nearby towns. Unther Ravenhelm suspected Szchulan was a traitor. To prove this he hid a false Heart of Mystra within Szchulan’s reach. Sure enough, Szchulan took and concealed the item just as they were entering the Lich’s Lair. Unther called him a selfish power grubber and expelled him from the party.
Szchulan, already jealous of the fame the CTS had earned, had hoped to use the jem against the party to show his power to the Lich in hopes of being chosen as his servant.
Soon, the CTS fought the lich, and in the last minute of combat, Szchulan appeared and interrupted the good wizard’s spell, causing he and his lover, Mohrgret, to fall victim to the Lich’s power. The Wizard’s name was Azhurdean, a member of the CTS. You see, Azhurdean, as well as Morhrgret, were geased into slavitude to the Lich.
At the end of the battle, Nethad D’Hathek, the Lich of the Drumlin Hills was indeed put down by the CTS, and history records it’s destruction. But that was not the end of the tale.
Unther and his remaining company returned the Heart of Mystra to the Knights of the Mystic Fire, and continued to do good works in the realm. Until recently, they were considered the last great adventuring company. Their company still included the rogue Erling, and the bard Zinaida. Their company had many allies including a young priestess of Tyr named Oolathana.
No longer in a corporeal form, the Lich Lord N’thad D’Hathek used Azhurdean as a slave during the many years that followed. Throughout the following decade, Azhurdean watched as his lover (Mohrgret) manipulated evil powers that served Nethad, and this evil had turned her into an ugly hag. To date, Azhurdean wishes this creature “Mohrgret” to be destroyed, wishing that his once-lover’s bones may rest in peace. His hatred for what she had become is second only to his loathing for Szchulan, whom he blames for the loss of his freedom, and the loss of Mohrgret.
Years passed in this sad way, Nethad worked his plans through the enslavement of others including Azhurdean, Mohrgret, Aecheara, Miginty, and many undead servants. It is said that the Horned Harbinger has built a mighty castle and schemes to one day return.
Early this year Unther heard rhumors that smelled of the Lich’s return. By now, Unther was much older …and with his company long since defunct, alone he searched again for the heart of Mystra. Having befriended the Knights, and having protected their Chapel a time or two, he had knowledge of it’s hidden location. He wanted to be prepared should the Lich of the Drumlin Hills rear his ugly head again. He sought out Tristan Silurian who counseled him on finding its location. Once secured, he had a necklass crafted to keep it save around his daughter’s neck. When Tristan told him the Crown and Scepter were likely at Mt. Grimmerfang, Unther feared he would not be able to complete the quest alone, and resolved that since Grimmerfang was so hard to find, they would remain secure.
The Fiend Scepter And Crown of Impiltur – are a recrafter set of weaponry. In the hands of a native to this plane, they would allow control and dominion over fiends. In the hands of fiends, they would surely make conquering Faerûn a breeze. These are Re-artificats. Powerful artifacs that now, through years of repurposing are more powerful than ever imagined."