In the beginning, the world was a place of chaos, and mankind was no more than slaves and cattle to the great demons who ruled the world, and nothing at all to their Gods.1 But one God looked down on them, and had pity, and turned against the demons, sending His chosen prophets among them to demand that they free the race of Man.2 The demons paid Him no heed; who was He measured against—the might of their own heathen pantheons?3
Among the people word spread of this God who held mercy in His heart for the plight of men, and they spread His word among themselves, and began to pray.4 His prophets went among them, promising them freedom, but it was a freedom they could only live if they became an army - an army of the One God who fought for them.5 They must live by His word to learn strength and wisdom, and remain free of their evil masters forever.6
But His way was hard, for the path to freedom was hard, and not all were dissatisfied with their lot in life under their demon lords; their masters demanded that they serve as they had always served, seducing them with promises of luxury and pleasure.7 Only those few who were not corrupted by the lies of their masters turned to the One God for deliverance.8
His Chosen walked among the demons with the message of His wrath, and His people, grown strong even in their servitude, rose up against their masters and cast them down.9 Even their Gods could not save them, for the One God hunted them down, driving them from the world, and thus became the Bane of Evil.10
Some Gods saw the Truth and Mercy of Bane, and did join him, while others fled to hide, cowards and tyrants who wished only for a return to their rulership of the world through their demonic lackeys.11
The cost of victory was high, and so many were the fallen that the sea was filled with their blood; but Bane spoke to them and said, "Let the living not despair, for the souls of the fallen shall find their rest in My home, and Glory be theirs forever."12 And he appointed Myrkul the Lord of the Dead, to govern and protect even their souls in the afterlife, that they not fear the greedy Demon Gods would take them. And the faithful did not fear death.13
To those who had fought and lived, but suffered, the One God said, "You must all endure pain, for such is a mortal life, and it shall make you stronger than your enemies, and they shall never rule you through fear.14 But even the strongest mortal may fall to it, and this must not be."15 And He appointed Loviatar to be the Lady of Mercy and of Pain, that she might both teach His flock and take what burden they could not bear on Herself.16 In thanks to the Maiden, the faithful became stoic of nature, to ease Her pain.17
So many were the dead that a great plague came upon the people, and they cried out to their Lord, the Bane of Evil, for surcease.18 And so He appointed Talona the Lady of Healing, to keep them safe from the sicknesses that preyed on the unbelievers, and the faithful were made hale.19
So many had fallen that they were no match for the infidels, who were enraged and frightened by the loss of their masters.20 The cowardly Demon Gods saw their chance, and called out to the faithless, and promised them the world in exchange for their servitude.21 Thus did they fall upon the faithful of Bane, and drive them from the freed lands.22 The One God, weary from his battles, could only hold them back as His faithful fled, and so he appointed Bhaal the Lord of Death, that He might strike against their enemy when the opportunity arose, and teach the ways of the warrior to the faithful, that they might someday retake what was rightfully theirs.23
The Demon Gods gnashed their teeth and fumed, but were not yet thwarted.24 They sent their servants to infiltrate the Holy Land where their Bane had led His faithful, and grew stronger in their own lands.25 So did Bane tell Shar, "Be you the Mistress of the Night, and hide My people from the infidels; cast Thy cloak over the land to protect them from the eyes of the wicked."26 And Shar cast her dark cloak over the land, hiding the faithful from the eyes of the Demon Gods.27 "As they seek to creep close and wound us, do you do unto them the same - learn their secrets, weed out their spies, and let no evil done against the Chosen People go unseen and unavenged."28 Shar swore that vengeance would be the birthright of the faithful for all they had lost.29
And so the Ages passed, and the survivors remained hidden among the heathens, biding their time even as the power of the usurper Gods and their blasphemous servants grew.30 But Bane sought out a place for His people, and caused them to be sent north, where they did find a land of their own; a land that would temper them, and prepare them for the struggle ahead.31 Thus the Moonsea was given unto the Chosen People, for them to grow strong, and someday conquer once more in His name.32 And to remind them for what they fought, the waters of the cold sea remained tainted as once the waters of the world had been dark with the blood of their ancestors.33
Great perspective in the developements of religion.
wow. looks like someone scored a 78 on their 'Knowledge: Religion' check! It's a good thing you posted tonight- it's gonna take me until Monday to digest it all.
Good stuff.
Lies! All lies! Bane sucks.
Not that I know anything about history, I just don't like that god and his sicko followers.
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