Edict Of The Far Vast
Dred Brothers and Sisters
From hamlet to city, subvert the governments of The Far Vast. These northern lands shall soon completely belong to THE LORD OF DARKNESS. Neither question nor disobey the orders of your superior, for to do so is to insult THE BLACK LORD’S supremacy, therefore righteous torture, disfigurement or death shall quickly befall you.
Keep you holy vows: attend any ceremonies being held, keep your basic clothing black in color, abstain from all fish, carry rod of office marked with rank, eat fresh land animal meat at every meal, bless or curse any non-clergy touched with hands, bless all Moonsea homes entered, marry by the age of 30 and produce offspring, obey all Church edicts, obey higher-ranking clergy instantly, pray on your knees with eyes downcast and arms behind your back, preach obedience and hard work, tithe 50% of any earnings to the Church.
Make regular use of undead provided by the clergy or the wizards that follow THE TYRANT LORD.
I have alerted the Knights of the Black Gauntlet to support your holy orders. Your immediate objective is to harvest the blood of the living, and harness the power of collected magic items, people, or places.
THE BLACK LORD, BANE, demands that his faithful worship no other deities (false gods) than THE DARK GODS with HIMSELF supreme among them. Praise-be to The Five Servants of Bane.
As our scripture reads (13:13), “BANE is the savior of humanity.” I order you to root out and destroy the churches of those heathens who refuse to recant their ungodly ways (except in the trade wards of the cities) and sacrifice them before the Black Altar, sentencing them to death for heresy.
As our LORD OF DARKNESS has been reborn, this is an age of rebirth for The Vast. Let the Truth and Mercy of Bane be given to those young men, mercenaries, warriors, barbarians, bandits, pirates, and others with skill in sword or masonry. You may send these correctable men to your superiors for re-training as Banewarriors. Let all wanderers answer this call and find thrill in the hope of their own rebirth as Banewarriors.
Our Lord Bane blesses you with power during all Circle Magic ritual. Ritually bless the harvested blood with Circle Magic. Enfuse your prayer and other raw magic into it. Make use of UR Priests to assist you in extracting the Prayers Of The Faithful Past from each ungodly church you restore in HIS POWERFUL NAME.
Deliver this Holy Blood to the cities – With your faithful obedience to this edict, Selfaril’s dominance over The Far Vast has begun.
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