Otha Campaign Session Detail | 3.5 Rules Online |
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Otha Campaign Session Detail | 3.5 Rules Online |
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External Links: Paizo | Campaign Archive: Sons Of The Vast |
Wow, now this one is tough.....
The little sidebar with Alyona was perfect, it would do some characters (and perhaps some players) good to see the soft compassionate side of Kelestri, but she keeps it pretty tucked away.
The discussion with Animosus about keeping things from his men and leadership responsibilities, very realisitic.
The confrontation of Evan and the unifying oath was classic.
The peotic irony of Evan inviting his nemesis for lunch/tea.
Solving the encrypted message, time honored player teamwork.
The facial expressions of the confused Pavel.
The sideways glance at Slyl...Vasht... just after the oath.
The 15 second explainantion to Lief on how to remove the coin from his instrument.
So many things from which to choose.
Great post. I might have misled you Kelestri... I've changed the question to read,"favorite moments from our campaign" rather than "from the Monday night campaign?" My intention is to invite comments from all sessions, of course including this past session...
Lets see...from the campaign.....in no particular order
Ramming the mace into the wheel of the Zhent wagon causing it to keel to one side and the driver and I caught eye and he knew I was there to settle a score.
Hitting Captain James Bluster MacGale smack in the forehead with a bottle of wine knocking him senseless. ::cringe::
Tressym flying down and scracthing at our foe and then shortly later attacking the dismembered hands.
Watching Animosus hit the dirt at the Mystra Temple to get up and push our eager-to-pour-a-potion-down-someones-throat cleric off of him.
Corim's knife edge reminder that the pricing was already established at The Three Torches.
The stem to stern cleaving of a goblin.
The rivet hole finding crossbow shot.
The liplock with Alyona on the stairwell.
Skippy doing a flying body press at a skelton then slamming it against the floor until dead.
Pavel needing to find another rabbit when Corim took out the guard at Kurth Keep.
The conversations about Evan and Sharisa and what to do about it.
The confrontation about the brooch that Kelestri gave to Alyona.
The jewelry exchange with Kelestri and Alyona.
The interrogation of the Ur priest that went awry.
That's a pretty good list.
I liked the second battle in ManyOaks.
Corim's battle rage against the orcs.
Slyl liked when he dropkicked one of the skeletons down the ravine...that was good....he wishes he could of fought the ur-priest not run away like a scared little girl...nothing against you kalestri :-)
This is going to sound like a cop-out, but every moment has been an 8, 9, or 10 for me and I can’t pick a favorite moment. My blog is a good list of the moments that stuck with me. I don’t write about things that are too unimportant most things I’ve experienced are just first-rate. I came into this expecting to have good time, and found myself having some of the best times. I also found out there are many things that I need to learn as a player and even as person in order to play with this great group. I thought that we would be somewhat typical good guy fighting the good fight. I now know now that we have made something truly unique and exceptional. I want to thank everyone for their efforts this kind of game doesn’t just happen.
I think a very poignant scene was Leif's breakdown in the desacrated temple.
Very moving.
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